"This is a well developed knightly tale that promises good things to come."
- Piers Anthony
Taryn, raised in a pit of squalor, refuses to follow the path of the pickpocket being forced upon her. She sets out on her own, and after an unfortunate run-in finds herself apprenticed to a pallitine knight.
Now, apprentice Pallitine Taryn faces many new challenges as a young pallitine in a world of doubt and frustration where little is as it seems. Guided by her mentor, High Pallitine Thoman, she stumbles on an obscure cult and is betrayed by one of her own kind.
Left to deal with consequences of the betrayal, and thoughts of her own past, she looks to the future with a wary eye.
- Piers Anthony
Taryn, raised in a pit of squalor, refuses to follow the path of the pickpocket being forced upon her. She sets out on her own, and after an unfortunate run-in finds herself apprenticed to a pallitine knight.
Now, apprentice Pallitine Taryn faces many new challenges as a young pallitine in a world of doubt and frustration where little is as it seems. Guided by her mentor, High Pallitine Thoman, she stumbles on an obscure cult and is betrayed by one of her own kind.
Left to deal with consequences of the betrayal, and thoughts of her own past, she looks to the future with a wary eye.
Motes of dust
drifted through the sole shaft of light streaming into the cramped shack from a
shuttered window, illuminating the dark and cluttered room. Taryn moved with a
stubborn determination as she rushed through the rear of her mother’s modest
home. She passed the old kitchen table and the haphazard pile of dirty dishes
and grimy spoons that needed washing from the night before. The young,
charcoal-haired girl bore an edge beyond her years, an edge that rusted with
disappointment as she watched her mother and sister grow self-consumed in their
own affairs. Annoyance hung heavily in her mood already, made worse by the need
to escape.
“Where do ya
think yer goin’?” Serra, her sister, asked as she stepped through the front
She turned and
looked back, hiding her anxiety. Being the youngest sister, weeks away from her
fifteenth year, it was her responsibility to make sure that the house was taken
care of while her mother worked, though she wanted none of it. “Out for a bit,”
she barked, and instantly regretted the harshness of her tone. “They let me off
early from cleaning the bathhouse and I need some air.” Her eyes let a fleeting
hint of regret slip past before she willed herself into her typically stubborn
Serra pointed
toward the black pot resting in the ash covered and dirty hearth. “Don’t forget
about dinner, Ma’s going to be back soon and I’ll be out looking for coin.” She
shook her head and frowned. “Best be glad I don’t need you today, or you’d be
out there with me.”
“No, I
wouldn’t.” Taryn bit back a harsh retort and cringed inside. After watching her
sister Serra get dragged down by her mother, there was no way she would let
herself get sucked into wasting her life chasing easy money like they
Her sister
scoffed. “Yeah, we’ll see. Good luck doin’ somethin’ else.” Her smirk faded.
“How many times do we gotta say it? Look around ya.” She waved her hand toward
the door and the world outside. “There ain’t nothin’ for our kind ‘sides what we
make of it. Ya can’t trust no one but those who’ve been there. Ain’t no one but
no one’s gonna do nothin’. We’re all ya got, ‘bout time ya figured that one out
and accepted it.” She held up a sack, one that likely held a clutch of the
dreamseeds she had grown so fond of as of late. “I’ll be off for a bit. Don’t
even think of botherin’ me.” Serra turned to duck behind the shabby curtain
hanging from the ceiling which cordoned off her corner of the room. “Don’t
forget dinner. I mean it,” she barked from behind her wall of cheaply patched
“Ugh!” Taryn
spat out, exasperated. The very nerve of her sister telling her what to do set
her on edge. Like
I’m going to end up wasting my life like you and Mom? Doing anything to get a
coin with no thought to the future? Not a chance. I’ll get out… someday.
She headed for the rear door in the corner and stepped out into the
Dull, yellowed
light struck her from the overcast autumn sky. Diffused streams of black smoke
swam down from the bathhouse and mixed with the area’s veil of waste and refuse,
an odor often referred to as the alley’s charm, not that it bothered anyone
much, save for the occasional patron who wandered too far down Velvet Alley.
Taryn squinted up at the oppressive clouds toward the solitary orb hiding
overhead and sighed. At
least it’s not raining. She grabbed the rusted latch and closed the door
behind her before she turned to head toward the river’s side of town. The sun
above marked the time as somewhat past midday, allowing her a couple hours to
herself before she needed to return.
“Ah, there’s the
pretty one.” A familiar and drunken drawl called out from the side of the
Revulsion for
the man she knew waited for her mother swamped her. Her shoulders slumped as she
turned. “She’s still in the field. You’d best get to the bathhouse and clean up
before she gets back if you want to see her.” As she expected, Donald, one of
her mother’s many acquaintances, sat leaning against the shack. His leathered
skin looked even more pallid and sunken than usual, probably from a late night
nursing a bottle, much like the one he coddled in his arm.
The worn, thin
dwarf pushed himself upright from the wall and stumbled across the grayed earth
toward Taryn. “How ‘bout Serra— ” His dry, rank breath filtered through his
pitted teeth and filthy beard, and carried the bitter stench of someone who had
been drinking far too long.
“I said go.” She
turned, repulsed by the man and nauseous from his rank aura. Taryn cared little
for what her mom thought of the man, but she needed to leave before something
happened that either of them would regret.
He stumbled
forward and reached out to her shoulder to steady himself. His hand squeezed
gently as he tried to coax her into staying. “Hold on now,” he slurred, “no need
ta run off.”
Shivers wracked
her back as she fought off the bile creeping up her throat. “Don’t touch me!”
She jerked her shoulder away from his calloused touch and squirmed out of reach.
think I’m going to be sick. Taryn ignored his attempts to gain her
attention and call her back as she rushed out of the alley. Her heart pounded
with every step, measured relief found in each of the rickety shacks she passed.
The corner was met with a welcomed sigh as the sight of indifferent strangers
throughout the area brought their distractions. The casual conversations and
clatter of everyday life helped fight off the worst of the feeling when she
turned down the street.
The girl’s quick
pace brought her near the river as the last vestiges of the man’s ghoulish touch
faded from thought. The approaching sound of rushing water babbled loudly, and
nearly drowned Trent’s taunting voice as it rang out from near the bank. Not
even the cool, soothing breeze that swept out from the river helped to ease her
mood when she heard him. Her ire found a focus when she found the source of his
voice. He stood laughing as he tormented two younger boys, brothers who lived
outside the alley, near the edge of town.
He grabbed one
by the scruff of the neck and held him to the water’s edge, threatening to send
him in. The other boy sat there, sniffling as he watched his older brother flail
helplessly against his much larger opponent. Trent’s rounded and freckled face
turned to watch Taryn as she came into view. “Lookee here, right in time to
watch the little flea swim.” His blond locks framed the cold and cruel blue gaze
as he teased Roy with a push toward the edge.
What little
patience that still clung to her anger disappeared with the motion. “Why do you
gotta be such a slag? Leave them alone.” Her tone sharpened as she continued
walking toward the brutish boy. “Don’t you think they suffer enough without
havin’ to look at your face?”
“Yeah? It’s just
a bit o’ fun.” He spouted in defense. “Not like you can stop me.”
“Pull him back
and we’ll see.” She stood and drilled a defiant stare into the bully’s dull
gaze. “Or are you scared that you’ll get whooped by a girl?”
His lip curled
in a sneer, creasing his face in spite as he stepped forward, shoving Roy toward
his younger brother. “Scared o’ you?”
Taryn relaxed,
glad to see the boy released, and watched as he scampered away before turning
back to Trent. Up close, his meaty frame towered over her and sent a shiver of
doubt down her arms, filling them with nervous energy. Her cheeks flushed as she
drew on the frustration and anger from earlier and swung at his face, hitting it
with a resounding smack across his cheek. “Don’t
do that again.” She fumed. “Those boys have never hurt anyone; they don’t need
your trouble.”
Trent’s eyes
shot open with disbelief from the unexpected blow. “You hit me.” He lifted a
hand to his cheek and touched it. His brow furled in anger as he struck her in a
backhanded slap.
The force of the
blow pushed her back. A second later pain wracked the side of her face. The rage
she felt earlier dimmed compared to what now coursed through her veins. Venom
flowed through her eyes and shot seething rage, startling him into a nervous
step back. She took advantage of the hesitation and plowed forward, pushing the
bully over.
Trent stumbled
and landed in a heavy thud on the bank, wheezing as the air got knocked out of
A hint of
satisfaction spurred her on, and before he could react, Taryn leapt on top of
him with her fists clenched and pounded the surprised boy. After the first round
of strikes, Trent lowered his guard. She paused as she glared down on him.
“Don’t you ever,”
she punched Trent in the eye to stress the point, “hit me again! Understand?”
She leaned over him and waited for his response.
His arms flew up
defensively and tried to push her off, only to have his hands land awkwardly on
her chest.
The dimming
fires of retribution instantly blazed anew with that ill-placed gesture. She
grabbed both hands and pushed them off her and got up, slamming her foot in his
gut in the process. Her leg hung poised to strike Trent again when two hands
gripped her arms from behind and pulled her back from the bully, who lay on the
ground curling from the pain of the assault.
Fear mixed with
the anger as she shook off the hands that held her. Taryn’s fingers curled into
a readied fist as she turned to look at the person holding her.
Jacks stood
there, laughing and held his hands up. “Hey! I’m on your side.” He looked at
Trent and laughed, wincing in sympathy from the pain he was still groaning
Relief to see
the sole person she counted as a friend there, with her, drained the anger away.
“Don’t do that!”
She shrugged.
“He was being himself. Again.” She looked sheepishly up to Jacks. “And I had a
bad day.”
She nodded.
“Partly. And Donald. And life.”
Lee fidgeted,
drawing her attention to the boys who still sat nearby, watching.
“Oh! I almost
forgot you.” She rushed to Roy and Lee and looked them over with a concerned
eye. “You two all right?”
Both boys nodded
fervently and mutely stared in awe at her.
“Good.” Her tone
softened as she knelt beside them. “If you see Trent, try to avoid him. And if
you can’t, let me know he’s bothering you two, all right?”
They quickly
nodded and stood up to scramble back toward their home.
Jacks watched
the brothers run off with a hint of amusement. “Where to, the tree?”
She nodded and
moved past Trent to where Jacks stood. Together, they walked along the river to
her favorite place to get away from the stresses of Miresbough, and all who
lived in the area. The tree was an old growth, one of the few left standing near
the town, and provided the perfect amount of shade during midday. It rested on a
small knoll overlooking the river and gave Taryn the perfect excuse to lose
herself in the comforting sound of its rushing waters and forget her dreary and
dismal troubles of everyday life.
Once they
settled in their familiar spots at the base of the tree, Jacks leaned his head
against the trunk. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”
Her dour mood
returned as strong as ever, sinking the tension in her neck. “It feels so
hopeless. I want something more for myself.” She shuddered. “I love her, but I
can’t stand seeing Mom go downhill. Working in the fields all day, then coming
home to…” Her voice lingered listlessly.
“But she’s
gotta, right? What else is she gonna do? It’s not like there’re many
still doesn’t get it. Taryn scowled
at Jacks. “I don’t care. There’s always another way.”
He raised his
hands defensively. “Hey, we’ve hashed through this before. Back to Trent. You
really gave it to him good.” He grinned.
She sighed.
“Don’t get me started. I just wish I didn’t have to.”
He peered
quizzically. “You wish you didn’t have to? You hate
Trent. He’s a creep. It had to feel good to knock some sense into
I hate him, and yes
he’s a creep. Doesn’t mean I want to thrash him.” Taryn lost herself in the
rhythm of the river’s mildly turbulent current and watched the babbling waters
roll by as a smile crept up her lips. “It did
feel good, though.”
About The Author
Roderick Davidson was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He now lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and has three children. He enjoys diving into his imagination and writing about fantastic worlds and exciting situations. In his spare time, he reads anything from Isaac Asimov and Lisanne Norman, to Piers Anthony and David Eddings, among others. His other interests include drinking copious amounts of coffee and gaming; his favorites being role playing as well as strategy games.
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