Title: The One Thing
Series: Hollywood Timelines Book Two
Author: Briana Gaitan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Day: January 16th 2015
When everything falls apart, he's the one thing that holds me together.
Ginger Teague may seem like your typical Hollywood actress with the famous boyfriend, designer clothes, money, and hit TV show, but constantly being in the public eye has its downside.
People seem more interested in her chaotic relationship with her on again/ off again boyfriend than her acting career,and Ginger isn't dealing with her new found fame in a way she always envisioned. She masks her unhappiness with too many parties and an unhealthy habit of binge drinking. As much as she wants love, men find her as a pretty amusement, not the type of girl you take home to mom and dad.
When she meets Caspian Norwood, they quickly begin a regimen of flirty emails.
He's a struggling musician that doesn't quite fit her idea of the perfect boyfriend.
He's older, mysterious, cultured, knows exactly what to say and do in all the right situations, and Ginger can't help falling for him. But the world is against them, pushing them apart, and it's beginning to feel as if they're only meant to be friends.
The One Thing is a standalone novel and book two in the Hollywood Timelines series. You met Ginger in The Last Thing, now hear her love story.
(Intended for ages 18 and up)
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Guest Post:
Ginger Teague may seem like your typical Hollywood actress with the famous boyfriend, designer clothes, money, and hit TV show, but constantly being in the public eye has its downside.
People seem more interested in her chaotic relationship with her on again/ off again boyfriend than her acting career,and Ginger isn't dealing with her new found fame in a way she always envisioned. She masks her unhappiness with too many parties and an unhealthy habit of binge drinking. As much as she wants love, men find her as a pretty amusement, not the type of girl you take home to mom and dad.
When she meets Caspian Norwood, they quickly begin a regimen of flirty emails.
He's a struggling musician that doesn't quite fit her idea of the perfect boyfriend.
He's older, mysterious, cultured, knows exactly what to say and do in all the right situations, and Ginger can't help falling for him. But the world is against them, pushing them apart, and it's beginning to feel as if they're only meant to be friends.
The One Thing is a standalone novel and book two in the Hollywood Timelines series. You met Ginger in The Last Thing, now hear her love story.
(Intended for ages 18 and up)
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Special PREORDER price 99 cents!!!
AMAZON: http://amzn.to/1vjAWEK
KOBO: http://
SMASHWORDS: https://
iTUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/
Barnes and Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-one-thing-briana-gaitan/1120878173?ean=2940046448641
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Guest Post:
Ginger’s name came from a bratz doll that my daughter was playing with I was writing.
Caspian’s character is hugely influenced by a crush of mine, but I won’t tell you who.
The very first scene I wrote was the meeting between Ginger and Caspian in Nashville, and it was inspired by my own lost adventure in Music City.
The Norwood brothers are all named after characters in different C.S Lewis novels. Caspian, Peter, Edmund, and Tirian.
Ginger cracks me up sometimes, and she reminds me of Gretchen Wieners from Mean Girls.
I have three kids, a cat named Starbuck, and a Royal Python named Bert “Voldemort” Reynolds.
My mom and I were pregnant twice together.
I also write for fanboysanonamous.com. It’s pretty fun because I can write about anything I want that’s not book related, plus go to awesome comic conventions and call it work.
I’m a typical southern gal, but have also lived in California.
My son and I wrote a children’s book together. He created the story, and I was the first line editor. It was a major bonding experience.
There was never supposed to be a series, but as I wrote, the characters came to life and begged for more.
Just about all the characters are named after real friends, family, and acquaintances.
I did a lot of research for the books. Including watching celebrity reality TV, obsessing over tabloids, and Internet stalking. Kinda fun, but consuming.
The Last Thing is meant to be more of a fairytale romance, while The One Thing is meant to be more realistic.
I’m not sure if I will write anymore full-length books in the series, but have plans for short stories and novella. Up next will be Aly and Booker’s story.
About the Author:
Briana Gaitan grew up in the South, but calls herself a geek at heart. She is a blogger,author,and fangirl who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, and Jewelry (bet you never thought you'd hear those three things in a sentence together) For fun, she loves watching any show on the SyFy channel, relaxing with her family, reading, and listening to indie music (sometimes all at the same time). Briana loves to write stories where there are no limits to the imagination. She is also the co-author of the fantasy Ethereal Underground series.
Don't miss the other books in the Hollywood Timelines series
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