Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Book Talk

Hey guys. Jackie here.

I am in a serious book slump. I only want to read NA High school or college books. 

It's insane how many books I have read trying to find something simular to the books that ruined me.

Let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time a girl came across Paper Princess by Erin Watt and fell in love. If her newest addiction wasn't enough she had a wicked book hangover. 

She look low and high for books that were simular. And finally... She came across the Fallen Crest series by Tijan. But that just left her even worse off. 

So the girl started looking in some of her favorite book groups and came across more awesome books.

But the girl was never satisfied. She craved more and more. 

LOL. True story. Ugh. Its quite annoying too. 

So here I am. Still wanting more. So my question is have you guys been obsessed over a certain type of book? If yes, how did you get over it? 

Lets chat.  

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